Our practice aims to provide dental care of a consistent quality, for all patients. We have management systems to help us, which define each practice member’s responsibilities when looking after you.
In proposing treatment, we will take account of your own wishes. We will explain options, where appropriate, and costs, so that you can make an informed choice. We will always explain what we are doing.
We will do all we can to look after your general health. We will ask you about your general health, and about any medicines being taken. This helps us to treat you safely. We keep all information about you confidential.
Contamination control is essential to the safety of our patients. Every practice member receives training in practice systems for contamination control. Wherever possible single use disposables are used. Reusable equipment is sterilised by autoclave. We will always be polite and courteous in our dealings with you and treat you with respect at all times. We expect the same consideration from our patients in return. We reserve the right to refuse to treat any patient who is abusive or discourteous to any member of staff.
Our normal payment procedure is to ask you to pay a proportion of the cost of your treatment at each visit. The final payment being due on your last appointment. We are happy to give estimates of the total cost of a course of treatment before that treatment begins, and will keep you informed of any changes as treatment proceeds. Patients can choose to pay by either cash, debit or credit card. We no longer accept personal cheques.
Please give as much notice as possible if you must cancel an appointment in an emergency. Please call on (01256) 762 353. For a genuine emergency cancellation, there will be no charge. With other cancellations, we will try to fill your allocated time with another patient but reserve the right to charge (at a rate of half our normal hourly fee) if we are unable to do so.
Whenever possible, please contact us about emergencies during normal surgery hours. If you need to be seen the same day, please get in touch as early in the day as possible. In the case of an emergency out of hours, phone the number below, and you will be put in touch with our dedicated paging service where you can leave a message for the on-call dentist. If treatment is necessary, we will do our best to arrange it within 24 hours. Emergency Telephone (01256) 762 353.
We aim to make your treatment as pleasant as possible every time you visit us. However, if you feel you have not been treated as you would have liked, or are dissatisfied with any aspect of our practice, we want to know. It is only through hearing from you that we can help and improve our service. Please mention your concerns in the first instance to your dentist. If they cannot be resolved immediately and to your satisfaction, we may request your comments in writing. This practice operates an in-house complaints procedure for both Private and NHS patients, which adheres to nationally agreed criteria. More information is available from reception.